Please be sure to click on the Charms link above. This is where you will find the most updated info for Band, including band camp info and the calendar.
1. Click on the Charms link above.

2. Enter cedarcreekband (all one word) as the school code. Click "Enter Charms."

3. On the next screen you can either:
         a: Enter the Student Area Password, which is your school ID (lunch number.)
OR   b: Click on Public Calendar, Email Directors, or Handouts and Files
OR   c: Read the latest (and important) news.

4. Once you enter the Student Area, please make sure you click on the Update Info button and update anything needed, if you have not done so already. Especially the EMAIL and PHONE info for you and your parents. This will be how we keep in contact with you.

Also be sure to check out the Handouts and Files area and read the Summer Band letter!

NOTE: If you can not access the student area with your school ID/lunch number then you will need to contact me with your number. You have either changed the password, or did not give me an ID number.
Charms is the website that we use to communicate with you and your parents. There is a student info section which helps us keep in contact. There is a calendar with important dates and events. There are handouts and files necessary for you to have and/or return. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this site.